Som jag rapporterade (läs avslöjade) här långt före alla andra, blev det en inspelning till Drop the World från Lil Waynes album Rebirth.

Regissören Chris Davidson berättade förra veckan för MTV att videon var jämförbar med ett filmset.

"As a director, it's how do you, more than anything, combine these two artists together and create something that's special. Because when you have two artists together, it's like, 'Oh, they'll stand next to each other [and that's it].' It's very awkward sometimes to have two very big stars. How are you gonna cover that? Especially two artists that are so big. You can do that with a performance at the Grammys, because the spectacle is to watch them onstage and sit in the audience and look at it. But as an artistic piece to have some magic, or if it's a mood piece or whatever way you communicate the music, you have to take two people into consideration with how you do that. And for me, I almost take it like a feature film: How did Scorsese put Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio in the same movie?"


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